I am Cycloneblaze, the Blue Comet, and this is the Cyclonesite
What is this place?
This is my homepage: it's the primary and most up-to-date source of information about me, and the host of many bits and pieces which I want to put on the internet.
- you're wondering who I am, exactly
- you want to find something I'm responsible for elsewhere on the internet
- you'd like to check out some other websites I found cool or useful
- you want to get in touch with me, or just say hi
- you want to see some bits and pieces I've created
the links in the header can probably help you! The comet will always take you back here.
If you need to talk to me right now, email: 📧 me at cycloneblaze dot net.
—Cycloneblaze 🌀🔥
See also the bro!