GPX+ Skins
There's a cool website that I've spent a lot of time on named Global Pokédex Plus. It's a Pokémon adoptables website. Give it a go, it's pretty fun.
Anyway, in the great tradition of mid-2000s programs you can "skin" the site by customising its colours. I made a few such skins, which are just sets of colour codes. If you wanna try one out for yourself, just grab it from below - I use the Shiny Gallade skin, myself!
By the way, if you use Firefox you might find that certain CSS elements on GPX+, like progress bars and the background image, are broken compared to Chromium browsers. I have some userscripts that fix this. Drop me a line if that's been bugging you too.
Name | Main | Text | Border | BG | Accent | Shell | Spots | Colour Step (%) |
Brighty Bluey | #00BFFF |
#222222 |
#000000 |
#4169E1 |
#1E90FF |
#00BFFF |
1.0 |
Medium Green/Blue | #00BFFF |
#000000 |
#008000 |
#00BFFF |
2.0 |
Grey/Blue | #00BFFF |
#000000 |
#696969 |
#00BFFF |
2.0 |
Pokémon White | #000000 |
#888888 |
#000000 |
#333333 |
7.5 |
Pokémon Black | #FFFFFF |
#888888 |
#000000 |
#000000 |
#333333 |
7.5 |
White 2 | #E77967 |
#666666 |
#E77967 |
#333333 |
7.5 |
Black 2 | #4D99AF |
#4D99AF |
#000000 |
#000000 |
#333333 |
7.5 |
Shiny Gallade | #7BACEE |
#E68331 |
#F5F5DC |
#9CCD83 |
12.5 |
Icy Blues | #1E90FF |
#000066 |
#4682B4 |
#B0E0E6 |
#F5F5DC |
#9CCD83 |
6.0 |
New-blue | #0099FF |
#999999 |
#F5F5DC |
#9ccd83 |
12.5 |
Shiny Gardevoir | #99E3FF |
#F28730 |
#777777 |
#F0FFE5 |
#E6523A |
5.0 |
Dark skin | #0099FF |
#00AAFF |
#000000 |
#000000 |
#0099FF |
7.5 |
Shiny Gallade, less white |
#5395ED |
#E68331 |
#F5F5DC |
#9CCD83 |
12.5 |
Before a site redesign, there was a somewhat more limited three-colour skinning system. I made many skins for that, too. You can't use them as-is anymore but I reproduce them here anyway, partly because they could be a basis for new skins and partly of sentimentality.
Main | Background | Text |
#1E90FF |
#00BFFF |
#888888 |
#31739C |
#53C8EA |
#555555 |
#00BFFF |
#000000 |
#FFD700 |
#008000 |
#B8860B |
#333333 |
#4682B4 |
#555555 |
#9CD5F6 |
#397BB4 |
#8B4513 |
#3CB371 |
#000000 |
#3CB371 |
#8B4513 |
#000000 |
#8B4513 |
#D2691E |
#331400 |
#1E90FF |
#191970 |
#4682B4 |
#FFFF00 |
#000000 |
#00FF00 |
#98CD32 |
#006400 |
#4682B4 |
#1E90FF |
#00BFFF |
#9400D3 |
#9932CC |
#4B0082 |
#8B0000 |
#FF0000 |
#8B0000 |
#FF6A00 |
#FF4500 |
#FF6347 |
#FFD700 |
#FFFF00 |
#FFD700 |
#006400 |
#223397 |
#5373FF |
#354DC5 |
#0852C? |
#0FAE52 |
#0B7FC3 |
#C85900 |
#FF8827 |
#FF790D |
#FF4500 |
#000000 |
#7F3300 |
#111111 |
#333333 |
#B8860B |
#C0C0C0 |
#0077CC |
#E6523A |
#1E90FF |
#00BFFF |
#888888 |
#98CD32 |
#006400 |
#4682B4 |
#111111 |
#333333 |
#B8860B |
#E6523A |
#333333 |
#4682B4 |
#555555 |
(Return to the main page by clicking the icon in the header. Or go back.)