GPX+ Skins

There's a cool website that I've spent a lot of time on named Global Pokédex Plus. It's a Pokémon adoptables website. Give it a go, it's pretty fun.

Anyway, in the great tradition of mid-2000s programs you can "skin" the site by customising its colours. I made a few such skins, which are just sets of colour codes. If you wanna try one out for yourself, just grab it from below - I use the Shiny Gallade skin, myself!

By the way, if you use Firefox you might find that certain CSS elements, like progress bars and the background image, are broken compared to Chromium browsers. I have some userscripts that fix this. Drop me a line if that's been bugging you too.

Name Main Text Border BG Accent Shell Spots Colour Step (%)
Brighty Bluey #00BFFF #222222 #000000 #4169E1 #FFFFFF #1E90FF #00BFFF 1.0
Medium Green/Blue #00BFFF #AAFFAA #000000 #008000 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #00BFFF 2.0
Grey/Blue #00BFFF #DEDEDE #000000 #696969 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #00BFFF 2.0
Pokémon White #000000 #888888 #000000 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #333333 #CCCCCC 7.5
Pokémon Black #FFFFFF #888888 #FFFFFF #000000 #000000 #CCCCCC #333333 7.5
White 2 #E77967 #666666 #E77967 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #333333 #CCCCCC 7.5
Black 2 #4D99AF #AAAAAA #4D99AF #000000 #000000 #CCCCCC #333333 7.5
Shiny Gallade #7BACEE #E68331 #AAAAAA #EFEFFF #FFFFFF #F5F5DC #9CCD83 12.5
Icy Blues #1E90FF #000066 #4682B4 #B0E0E6 #F0FFFF #F5F5DC #9CCD83 6.0
New-blue #0099FF #999999 #AAAAAA #D8EFFF #FFFFFF #F5F5DC #9ccd83 12.5
Shiny Gardevoir #99E3FF #F28730 #777777 #CCFAFF #FFFFFF #F0FFE5 #E6523A 5.0
Dark skin #0099FF #D8EFFF #00AAFF #000000 #FFFFFF #000000 #0099FF 7.5
Shiny Gallade,
less white
#5395ED #E68331 #AAAAAA #7BACEE #EFEFFF #F5F5DC #9CCD83 12.5

Before a site redesign, there was a somewhat more limited three-colour skinning system. I made many skins for that, too. You can't use them as-is anymore but I reproduce them here anyway, partly because they could be a basis for new skins and partly of sentimentality.

Main Background Text
#1E90FF #00BFFF #888888
#31739C #53C8EA #555555
#00BFFF #000000 #FFFFFF
#FFD700 #008000 #B8860B
#333333 #4682B4 #555555
#9CD5F6 #397BB4 #DEEEFF
#8B4513 #3CB371 #000000
#3CB371 #8B4513 #000000
#8B4513 #D2691E #331400
#1E90FF #191970 #4682B4
#FFFF00 #000000 #00FF00
#98CD32 #006400 #4682B4
#1E90FF #00BFFF #9400D3
#9932CC #4B0082 #8B0000
#FF0000 #8B0000 #FF6A00
#FF4500 #FF6347 #FFD700
#FFFF00 #FFD700 #006400
#223397 #5373FF #354DC5
#0852C? #0FAE52 #0B7FC3
#C85900 #FF8827 #FF790D
#FF4500 #000000 #7F3300
#111111 #333333 #B8860B
#C0C0C0 #0077CC #DCDCDC
#1E90FF #00BFFF #888888
#98CD32 #006400 #4682B4
#111111 #333333 #B8860B
#333333 #4682B4 #555555

(Return to the main page by clicking the icon in the header. Or go back.)